Are you ready to finally get that business off the ground? Or maybe you’ve been dabbling for awhile, but you’re ready to kick your business into high gear and make it “real”. You have the idea, you just need help with the next steps. After all, your time is limited with littles at home who are often -or always!- underfoot. Or you may be a homeschool mama wanting to make a little extra to give some wiggle room in the family budget. That’s why coaching with Heather (or HoJo, as she is better known around the web) is JUST what you need!
Ready to start now? The coaching application can be found here!
Heather has been in the online space since 2009, dabbling at first. Then using her side hustle money from 2011-2015 to pay off all non-mortgage debt. Then in mid 2015 she took the leap to become a full-time online entrepreneur while raising one -and then two!- babies.
Heather gets it. She knows you want to be home with your kids AND contributing to the family financially. And you can! She is living proof of that, and she wants more mamas to be able to have that same success in starting their own business!
Heather ran a successful Virtual Assistant business from 2015-2019, making as much as $3k a month from 10-20 hours of work a week. And now her printable activities for kids have been bringing in six figures a year since 2020.
Heather knows what it takes to get a business off the ground, as well as how to pivot or grow to stay relevant in today’s ever changing online world. She’s up to date on SEO, email marketing, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook practices – maintaining all of them for her printable business.
During a session with Heather, she will focus on what YOU need to grow. She will customize each session – it could be about getting more clients, driving more traffic, brainstorming, getting started with a new social media platform, building your ideal customer avatar, and so much more. With over a decade in the online world space, Heather gets it. And she knows what it’s like to work with young kids underfoot.
How It Works:
Use this link to apply for coaching. Heather will reach out to let you know when her availability is, set up payment (via PayPal or Stripe), and get a time scheduled. Then you will receive a Zoom link before your call. Heather records each session, so you can save it to listen again to ensure you get every nugget of wisdom (because sometimes those babies distract us jussttt enough to make us worry we missed something!).
You will be free to ask any questions you have, share your struggles, do goal setting, and more. This is about YOU, your business, and YOUR growth!
Keep reading for pricing and testimonials!
Need that link to apply for coaching? Here it is one last time! I cannot wait to work with you!