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If never fails, we take our toddler over to a family member or friend’s house and the inevitably question gets asked. “What time does the little man go to bed?”
We respond that his bedtime is about 10pm, and we’re quickly met with eye rolls or a lecture on how he isn’t getting enough sleep each night.
However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth!!
Yes, our son typically doesn’t go to bed until 10pm at night. But since I’m a work-at-home-mom, he also gets to sleep in until 8 or 9am each morning. That means he is getting plenty of sleep each night!
Are we crazy? Perhaps! However, this is what works for our family right now.
We know that our little guy is getting enough sleep each day. We also know that he and his daddy are getting to spend plenty of bonding time together in the evenings.
Now that Andrew is a school administrator, there are many nights where he doesn’t get home until 8 or 9pm each night. On the nights when he coaches, he doesn’t get into the house until at least 6pm. If we put the little man down at 7 or 8 like many people do, there would be many nights where he would get to see his daddy for less than an hour or not at all. 🙁
The other perk of letting our little guy stay up late? He sleeps in each morning! I am not a morning person, so to have 1-2 hours each morning to get myself started is great. I can choose to blog, get some housework done, create a new teaching resource, or simply sleep in myself. (Yes, this happens 1-2 times a week depending on how late I stay up working the night before.)
Am I suggesting you do the same thing we do?
Honestly – that depends!
What works best for your family? Do you and your husband need time together to unwind in the evening? Then plan accordingly. Does your little one get up at 6am regardless of their bedtime? Then put them to bed earlier so they get enough sleep each night.
I am not saying what works for us will work for everyone, but I do encourage you to look at what will work best for your family, ignore the comments and eye rolls from others, and do what your family needs.
We know this plan is going to have to change when our little guy starts preschool, but for now – it works! The eye rolls and comments don’t get to us because we know we are getting as much family time as we can right now. And that is the important part!
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