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Being a mom can be tough. There are days where you feel like the worst mom in the world, others where you feel like the best, and many days in between! And while there are many things that happen in the day-to-day life of a mom that we cannot control, here are seven sure ways to be an unhappy mom.
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1. Never Go Outside
I understand there are days – and sometimes weeks – where the rain just won’t stop. I’m not talking about those times. I’m talking about times where the weather is absolutely great (or at least bearable) yet you choose not to go outside for days or weeks on end. There is something to be said for sunshine making us happier. Get outside. You and your kids will enjoy it more!
2. Don’t Ask for Help
Try to be supermom and do it all, all the time. That’s a surefire way to be unhappy. Even if your act looks very put together for awhile, no one can be perfect and do #allthethings all the time! Ask for help! Your spouse, friends, and extended family are often happy to help out – they just don’t always know how.
3. Eat Plenty of Junk
I’m not saying a piece of chocolate or a bottle of pop is a bad thing, but if you’re filling your body full of junk food day in and day out – you’re going to feel it! Many of us each so much processed food that we feel like crud quite often. But if you turn to plenty of proteins, whole grains, fruits, and veggies – chances are the “ugh” feeling you have (compelled with a lack of energy) will go away! For me, that’s meant doing my best to stick with the Trim Healthy Mama meal plan. You can read more about it here.
4. Spend All Day on Pinterest
Oh, good ol’ Pinterest. 🙂 I’ve been a member for years, so to say that I can still spend hours scrolling through pictures getting new ideas is not an understatement. I’m pretty sure I’ve built my entire dream home online at least a dozen times by now. And my house is clean and organized, my child is perfectly sociable and educated, and my husband and I have the perfect relationship. Oh wait, you wanted me to tell you about my real life and not my Pinterest life. Well, um…
5. Compare Yourself to Others
I think I may have cheated because I feel like points #4 and #5 go together, yet they are each worthy of their own point. Yes, I can compare myself to all those amazing ideas on Pinterest. The other thing you can do to make yourself an unhappy mom is to compare yourself to others around you. This may be the online friends you have, other family members, or even friends. Remember that most people don’t keep it real on social media. And just because you have one perception of something does not make it accurate. We all have strengths. We all have weaknesses. Don’t get so caught up in comparing these that you lose sight of what is truly important.
6. Let the Kids Rule
If you never set any boundaries or expectations for your children, they are going to drive you bonkers! I have one friend who is constantly screaming at her children about the insane things she’s going to do if they don’t listen. But then – since she never follows through – the kids don’t listen to her. So she continues to scream, and then she complains about how she is going crazy.
Have rules. Set expectations. Have clear consequences, and follow through with them. Maybe it’s because I spent so many years in the classroom, but I’ve come to realize that kids really do well when they have clear rules and consequences. If it works at school, it will certainly work at home!
7. Dwell on the Negative
Go ahead. Be an unhappy mom. Think negative thoughts and only the worst all day long. Negativity breeds negativity! It won’t be long until you’ll feel as if the whole world is crumbling down around you. Or – just for fun – try to think more positive thoughts. Force yourself to be happy. If you do it long enough, it just might work.
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